Pokemon Kanto Expansion Pak ROM

Pokemon Kanto Expansion Pak rom
When focusing on the main objectives, Pokemon Kanto Expansion Pak is about 20 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 35 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Pokemon Kanto Expansion Pak is a GB ROM Hack by MementoMartha based on Pokemon Red. This is a ROM Hack of Pokémon Red and Blue, aiming to expand the Kanto region with new Kanto-related Pokémon, prototype Pokemon, more interesting locations, QoL changes, and more.

You can download the Pokemon Kanto Expansion Pak rom from this page and to play the game you need to download the Visualboy Advance Emulator here.

You need to download and install Visual Boy Advance and then load the rom.

For detailed instructions per device, view below.

Download the official Pokemon Kanto Expansion Pak ROM in the (USA) version for the Game Boy Advance handheld consoles. To fully utilize a GBC ROM game, use our Cheats, Rom Hacks and GBA Roms sections. You can open the Pokemon Kanto Expansion Pak ROM or GBC file by Installing VisualBoyAdvance on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android or IOS/iphone.

Additional Information

Pokemon Kanto Expansion Pak is a GB ROM Hack by MementoMartha based on Pokemon Red. It was last updated on January 07, 2025.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Red Rumor.


This is a ROM Hack of Pokemon Red and Blue, aiming to expand the Kanto region with new Kanto-related Pokemon, prototype Pokemon, more interesting locations, QoL changes, and more.


  • 100 new Pokemon, including post-Gen 1 evolutions (such as Kingdra and Rhyperior), Pokemon found in prototype assets (such as Gorochu and Kotora, as well as several cut evolutions from the Spaceworld 1997 demo), regional variants of Kanto Pokemon, convergent evolutions and Paradox relatives of Kanto Pokemon (the Wiglett and Toedscool lines, Scream Tail and Sandy Shocks) and even Meltan and Melmetal!
  • Dark, Steel and Fairy types for the new Pokemon! Pokemon such as Clefable are still pure Normal type. The type chart for Dark and Steel matches the Spaceworld 1997 demo, and as a result is much different.
  • Some select new moves have been added for the new types, along with two moves from Red and Green’s prototype.
  • New items, including a new fossil, new evolution items, Bottle Caps and more!
  • Several new locations, some just for worldbuilding, others to add new content around the game, especially after beating the Champion!
  • New music tracks for several parts of the game, such as for battling Legendaries, Team Rocket, and a handful of restored prototype tracks. A playlist of a handful of them can be found here, all composed by LuciShrimp.
  • A few areas have been improved, some looking nicer, having extra content or being easier to navigate.
  • MANY QoL enhancements, like having a feminine character option, no version exclusivity, being able to hold more items, additional PC boxes, a better Exp. All, Gym Leader and Elite Four rematches, and so much more!
  • A handful of bug fixes and translation errors, mainly to do with the overworld or with trainer AI. Bugs within the battle system itself (like Focus Energy reducing crit rate) are preserved to keep the feel that Gen 1 had.



  • Added a new player character option
  • Added in some changes to the Fairy type
  • The changes to the Fairy type chart are as follows:

  • Attacks are Super Effective vs: Fighting, Bug, Dragon, Dark

  • Attacks are Not Very Effective vs: Fire, Ice, Steel

  • Pokemon are weak to: Fire, Ice, Steel

  • Pokemon resist: Fighting, Bug, Dark

  • Pokemon are Immune To: Dragon


  • Two new music tracks: a demake of the Galarian Bird theme and a pitched-down Gym Leader theme for Elite Four matches.
  • Trainers in Celadon University have higher levels after earning 8 badges, improving the grinding spot.
  • The Pocket Lapras (Surfboard) prevents softlocking, obtained from an NPC on Cinnabar Island.
  • Improvements to move animations, credit to wrulfy and Carmine Red.
  • Option to use another Repel after the previous one runs out.
  • Additions from Yellow Legacy: quick sorting for Bag/PC items, EXP bar in battle, bigger bag.
  • Title screen can now display Green or Sandy Shocks randomly.
  • Green’s Pokedex diploma displays her instead of Red.
  • Pokémon tradeback moves corrected, visual improvements to Rocket Hideout and other locations.
  • Blue’s Indigo Plateau room redesigned, Wiglett’s and Meltan’s back sprites improved.
  • Minor encounter table adjustments and post-game buffs.
  • Various bug fixes related to gifts, static encounters, and graphical/text errors.
  • Steel type now correctly resists Rock.


  • When reloading a save inside certain indoor areas, the border tile would not load correctly, allowing you to walk out of bounds and crash the game.

  • Some static encounter field sprites wouldn’t disappear after battle. While this wouldn’t be an issue for most, the Cactormus on Brunswick Trail would impede progress if this glitch occurred, so a special case was added to ensure this won’t happen again.

  • Getting the Vermilion Beauty gift would lock you out from getting the Silph Co Lapras gift later.

  • Okay, NOW it’s impossible to trap yourself in Cinnabar Volcano.

  • Viewing the Town Map in Viridian Pre-Gym would show the player as being in Cerulean.

  • Psychic, Psywave, Night Shade and Dazzling Gleam wouldn’t shake the full screen when used.

  • A lot of small text fixes

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File Name

Pokemon Kanto Expansion Pak

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Release Date

World: January 07, 2025





Game Boy




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