Pokemon Solus Red ROM

Pokemon Solus Red rom
When focusing on the main objectives, Pokemon Solus Red is about 20 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 35 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Pokemon Solus Red is a Gameboy ROM Hack by Dechrissen based on Pokemon Red. Pokemon Solus Red is a near-vanilla romhack of Gen 1. It changes only a few things from the original games, without overhauling so much that it ceases to be Gen 1, and the whole thing becomes a Ship of Theseus paradox.

You can download the Pokemon Solus Red rom from this page and to play the game you need to download the Visualboy Advance Emulator here.

You need to download and install Visual Boy Advance and then load the rom.

For detailed instructions per device, view below.

Download the official Pokemon Solus Red ROM in the (USA) version for the Game Boy Advance handheld consoles. To fully utilize a GB ROM game, use our Cheats, Rom Hacks and GBA Roms sections. You can open the Pokemon Solus Red ROM or GB file by Installing VisualBoyAdvance on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android or IOS/iphone.

Additional Information


Pokemon Solus Red is a Gameboy ROM Hack by Dechrissen based on Pokemon Red. It was last updated on October 29, 2024.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Solus Blue.


Pokemon Solus Red is a near-vanilla romhack of Gen 1. It changes only a few things from the original games, without overhauling so much that it ceases to be Gen 1, and the whole thing becomes a Ship of Theseus paradox.


  • All 151 Pokémon are obtainable through normal means. Specifically, “normal means” is one of the following:

    • Caught in the wild
    • Evolved into via an in-game method
    • Found in a Poké Ball in the overworld
    • Battled (and caught) via interacting with its sprite in the overworld
    • Gifted to the player
    • Purchased
    • Restored from a fossil
  • HMs can be taught to party Pokémon without using up one of their move slots

    • Each Pokémon has a new Field Move slot, which is separate from its regular move slots
    • In addition to HMs, the TMs Teleport, Dig, and Softboiled can be taught in Field Move slots
  • Some new content is added, and some visual content is changed

    • Prof. Oak can be battled as a post-game opponent
    • There is a new NPC, the Trader, who can trade your Pokémon back to you in order to evolve them
    • 48×48 back sprites are implemented
    • Front sprites are changed, and now use a mix of Red/Green (JPN), Red/Blue, and Yellow sprites
  • Some bugs/oversights are fixed

Version differences

The differences between the three versions of this romhack (Solus Red, Solus GreenSolus Blue) are solely cosmetic. Specifically, these things differ:

  • Title screen version text
  • Title screen Pokémon carousels (matches the original releases’ carousels)
  • Game Boy Color “duochrome” palettes (matches the original releases’ GBC palettes)
  • Super Game Boy palettes (which affect only title screen, SGB border graphics, and Game Corner slots)
  • End credits text: “RED/GREEN/BLUE VERSION STAFF” (depending on version)



  • Fixed a bug for the Victory Road Fossil Room warp which warped you outside Victory Road instead of back to 1F


  • Changed wording in Field Move teaching prompt: “Learn this as a temporary FIELD MOVE?” -> “Teach this as a temporary FIELD MOVE?”
  • Changed Blaine’s sprite to the Silph President sprite, like in Yellow Version
  • Changed type matchup for GHOST -> PSYCHIC to 2x effectiveness (Super Effective) instead of 0x effectiveness
  • Changed move typing for Karate Chop, Gust, and Sand-Attack to match the Gen 2 updates (now FIGHTINGFLYING, and GROUND respectively)
  • Added an animated in-battle EXP bar to the HUD
  • Added an in-battle ‘already caught’ indicator to the HUD (the icon is the one used in Gen 2)
  • Implemented partially forward-patched learnsets via Gen 2 tradeback learnsets (check here for details)
  • Added TM51 (Flamethrower), TM52 (Fire Punch), TM53 (Ice Punch), and TM54 (Thunderpunch) to support the newly forward-patched Pokémon learnsets
    • The TM pamphlet on the top floor of Celadon Mansion has been updated accordingly (the text now mentions 54 TMs instead of 50)
  • Added Bill’s father, a new NPC in Bill’s grandfather’s house in Fuchsia City; he will sell you a Flamethrower TM for 8000p (as he is the Move Tutor in Crystal Version who teaches Flamethrower, he is a good fit for the role)
  • Added new Clerk on 2F of Celadon Dept. Store who sells the 3 new elemental punch TMs
  • Moved the 3 Field Move TMs (Dig, Teleport, Softboiled) to the new Clerk on 2F of Celadon Dept. Store (instead of the vanilla TM Clerk)
  • Updated credits; they now make references to:
    • Solus developer (me)
    • Game disassembly (pret)


  • Fixed a bug where the post-game Professor Oak battle wouldn’t trigger even after becoming the Champion

Useful Links




File Name

Pokemon Solus Red

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Release Date

World: October 29, 2024





Game Boy




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