Pocket Gaiden ROM

Pocket Gaiden rom
When focusing on the main objectives, Pocket Gaiden is about 30 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 50 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Pocket Gaiden is a GBA Rom Hack by manta based on Pokemon Emerald in English. Pocket Gaiden features a berry farmer called Pulp in a new region, a new story and limited resources.

You can download the Pocket Gaiden rom from this page and to play the game you need to download the Visualboy Advance Emulator here.

You need to download and install Visual Boy Advance and then load the rom.

For detailed instructions per device, view below.

Download the official Pocket Gaiden ROM in the (USA) version for the Game Boy Advance handheld consoles. To fully utilize a GBA ROM game, use our Cheats, Rom Hacks and GBA Roms sections. You can open the Pocket Gaiden ROM or GBA file by Installing VisualBoyAdvance on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android or IOS/iphone.

Additional Information

Pocket Gaiden is a GBA Rom Hack by manta based on Pokemon Emerald in English. It was last updated on August 08, 2020.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Another Emerald.


POCKET GAIDEN follows a Berry farmer, Pulp, in a subset of an unnamed region based on China. Pulp is tired of exhausting rural life where nothing seems to ever change, so he wants to bring his Berry growing business to the bustling Honzhu City. But he needs to find a way of funding this dream, and also, his truck broke down, stopping him from making any deliveries.
The story will take Pulp through both the wilds surrounding his home village and mysterious places called the Color Ruins. Resources we take for granted such as Poké Balls and Potions are extremely coveted where Pulp lives, so his journey is going to be a tough and grueling one.


  • New Region
  • New Story
  • Limited resources



  • Pulp now has a backsprite
  • Tweaked teams of various Trainers
  • Fixed Zoom Lens & Focus Sash’s descriptions
  • Tweaked wild encounters in Dark City’s entrance
  • Fixed various tile errors


  • Fixed oversight where you could fight Arum without completing all 4 puzzles
  • Fixed collision errors in various maps
  • Fixed a bug where a certain tile used the wrong behaviour
  • Rearranged Quick Claw’s position to be more obvious
  • Fixed a bug where a certain wall’s text would display out of the textbox
  • Dedenne comes with Tackle instead of Tail Whip


  • Fixed the first Log event triggers in Cho Village to run properly
  • Additional interactions with the giant wall in Color Ruins B1F (Yellow & Blue) will no longer revert story progress
  • Fixed collision error in Pulp Field & Shendown Path
  • Fixed Hall of Fame text misplacement, removed Brendan sprite, added # of whiteouts to player info
  • Log’s final team and Arum’s team were given original movesets & high IVs, abilities also specified
  • Removed the dummy item ball in Pulp Byroad
  • Decapitalised more strings
  • Cave background forced in Color/Dark Ruins
  • Arena Trap displays correct name when switch blocked
  • Added music to final Log event & removed HoF graphics showing in overworld
  • Fixed oversight where the Lucky Egg would be given even if you have no space
  • Fixed oversight where you could return to Dark City by interacting with the giant wall again
  • Added more NPCs to Cho Village including a Move Tutor

File Name

Pocket Gaiden

File Size




Release Date

World: August 08, 2020






Game Boy Advance




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