Pokemon Pit of 100 Trials ROM

Pokemon Pit of 100 Trials rom
When focusing on the main objectives, Pokemon Pit of 100 Trials is about 25 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 35 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Pokemon Pit of 100 Trials is a GBA Rom Hack by ShinyTillDawn based on Pokemon Emerald. Pokemon Pit of 100 Trials features the Pit where you have to conquer its 100 trials. All Pokemon are level 100 and most Pokemon got their stats increased. Can you conquer all 100 Trials and be crowned the Champion?

You can download the Pokemon Pit of 100 Trials rom from this page and to play the game you need to download the Visualboy Advance Emulator here.

You need to download and install Visual Boy Advance and then load the rom.

For detailed instructions per device, view below.

Download the official Pokemon Pit of 100 Trials ROM in the (USA) version for the Game Boy Advance handheld consoles. To fully utilize a GBA ROM game, use our Cheats, Rom Hacks and GBA Roms sections. You can open the Pokemon Pit of 100 Trials ROM or GBA file by Installing VisualBoyAdvance on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android or IOS/iphone.

Additional Information


Pokemon Pit of 100 Trials is a GBA Rom Hack by ShinyTillDawn based on Pokemon Emerald. It was last updated on July 18, 2021.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Paragon.


Welcome to the Hoenn region! But…everything looks different! And the trainers have much stronger Pokémon than before! That is right! You have entered the Hoenn Pit of 100 Trials. In other words, the region is the Pit. Your challenge is to conquer this Pit’s 100 trials! Each trial is one battle against 1 (or 2, in some cases) trainers, and all of their Pokémon are Level 100. Most trainers have 2 Pokémon, but boss battles have more!

All gym leaders have 6 Pokémon that specialize in their type. By the endgame, you will face the Elite Four, Champion, and 10 secret boss battles that will put your battling and endurance skills to the limit! The only way to heal during the Pit is via your healing items! You are normally used to having a Pokémon Center right around the corner, as well as a Poké Mart that sells you all the items you need. But here, the challenge is making it through this pit without those luxuries in between battles!

Additionally, you have to stick with one team of 6 Pokémon throughout the Pit; no switching out Pokémon in PC boxes between battles! On the other hand, you are given unlimited Master Balls to catch just about any fully evolved Pokémon you want, aside from certain legendaries − those are exclusive to the postgame! Do not be afraid to use legendaries, as your opponents might have their own! You also have relatively quick methods of EV training!

Beware, though, as money is tight! You only have 3,000 PokéYen, and that’s it. You also get all the HMs and 1 of every TM, so teach your Pokémon moves wisely. However, there is a move tutor that teaches level up moves, some egg moves, and some move tutor moves, and you have infinite Heart Scales! Use the move tutor before teaching TMs. Do you think you can conquer the Pit of 100 Trials? Only one way to find out! One more thing, if you white out, it’s game over!


  • Infinite Master Balls, Heart Scales, Vitamins, and Stat−reducing berries.
  • Most Pokémon got points added to their base stats to make them better.
  • Learnsets are mostly updated to Generation 4 (with some Pokémon getting moves they would have learned in Generation 6 and 7).
  • Few Pokémon get moves that they would never learn in the vanilla games, like Sneasel and Murkrow getting Night Slash, and most ghost types getting Shadow Punch.
  • Edited some TMs AND HMs so they contain different moves.
  • New 4th and 5th Generation moves like X-Scissor, Stone Edge, Iron Head, Energy Ball, Air Slash, Scald and Rage Powder.
  • Revamped parts of the region so that there are Level 100 wild Pokémon.
  • All vitamins give 64 EVs.
  • Stat reducing berries take off 128 EVs of their respective stat.
  • EV Cap lowered to 252.
  • EV Checker and IV Checker (in Oldale’s Pokémon Center).
  • Department store for held items, some berries, healing items, and more!
  • Pokémon names (and some other words) are no longer in all capital letters.
  • Early access to the Bicycles and the Running Shoes.
  • Healing items are cheap, but you will have only 3,000 PokéYen until you start the Pit challenge.
  • Removed most held items from wild Pokémon to prevent money farming.
  • Sleep Talk move tutor in Oldale Town.
  • There is an NPC that teaches Bug Buzz, but he can only be found very late in the game.
  • There is an NPC in the postgame that teaches Nasty Plot.
  • Changed the base power of some moves (and Rock Slide has 100% accuracy) like Knock Off, Crabhammer and Magical Leaf.
  • Removed Pay Day and Pickup from every fully evolved Pokémon.
  • Return is always at 102 base power.
  • There is a postgame area after beating the secret final boss where you can fight some bonus trainers and catch Pokémon you could not catch in the early game.
  • The postgame has an additional Pit that has 20 trials, but every legendary is allowed!
  • Shortened the item usage animation.
  • Removed the Low HP beeping sound.
  • A secret Easter egg!
  • One added abililty: Regeneration (works like it does in the official games)

File Name

Pokemon Pit of 100 Trials

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Release Date

World: July 18, 2021






Game Boy Advance




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