Pokemon AlteRed ROM

Pokemon AlteRed rom
When focusing on the main objectives, Pokemon AlteRed is about 35 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 60 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Pokemon AlteRed is a hack of Pokemon FireRed hack where all the Pokemon have been replaced with alternate forms. It features 411 all-original Alter Form Pokemon, a new Pokemon type in Cosmic and moves from all 8 generations.

You can download the Pokemon AlteRed rom from this page and to play the game you need to download the Visualboy Advance Emulator here.

You need to download and install Visual Boy Advance and then load the rom.

For detailed instructions per device, view below.

Download the official Pokemon AlteRed ROM in the (USA) version for the Game Boy Advance handheld consoles. To fully utilize a GBA ROM game, use our Cheats, Rom Hacks and GBA Roms sections. You can open the Pokemon AlteRed ROM or GBA file by Installing VisualBoyAdvance on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android or IOS/iphone.

Additional Information

Pokemon AlteRed is a hack of Pokemon FireRed hack where all the Pokemon have been replaced with alternate forms. It was last updated on December 01, 2023.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon The Last Renoval Red.


  • 411 Alter Pokemon to capture, battle, and bond with
  • Full Fairy type implementation
  • Physical/Special Split
  • Revamped list of moves with many tweaks, buffs, and new additions to spice up Pokemon movesets
  • Every single trainer battle has been changed with great variety and a slightly upped challenge from Vanilla
  • New Pokemon Center layout, with a built-in shop, move relearner, name rater, and secondary room where you can easily grind up levels by battling Substitute dummies
  • Most routes and dungeons have been given a new layout, so the journey through Kanto isn’t so same-old, same-old
  • New dungeons and route extensions
  • A large, brand new route added to the end of post-game with fights against some familiar faces
  • Almost every mon’s stats and movepools allow them to be competent and stand alongside others in the team

Current Known Bugs

  • Mewzero will not obey commands due to a quirk in the game’s programming.
  • The Town Map has not been properly updated to include the new areas; Flying from those locations is not advised.
  • The moves Ice Fang and Ice Shard are able to be used in the field unintentionally.
  • The graphics on the pause menu are slightly garbled, but the text can still be read. Marked as low priority.
  • Similarly, the Pokedex can be very finicky; it is advised to save before perusing it.
  • The NPC Cue Ball Paxton will crash the game if battled; his fight has been removed, but be aware of any fuckery upon arriving at Three Island.



  • Fixed Nuzcrack’s Sprite
  • Fixed Quesogiri Not Showing Dex Entry
  • Fixed Eivee’s Entry
  • Fixed Chairipick’s Entry Crashing Game (will show a rottata though)
  • Fixed Some Unchanged Names in Dex Entries
  • Fixed Labreanium’s Moveset Not Having Earthquake By Level Up
  • Bruno no longer has Nyandozo (replaced with Kankaghan)


  • A number of Pokemon have received Sprite/Design Updates:
  • Sykodactyl, Iolithe Line, Golbee Line, Festivyth Line, Sediple Line, Swarmute Line, Ohmory, Heratopus, Dolleep, Jovikrow Line, Sphealed Line, Eggperl Line, Smoochen Line, Solnova, Dichu Line, Nutot Line, Ledybark Line, Shruberak Line, Spectres
  • A number of slight balance and moveset tweaks were made, mostly to line up with inconsistencies in the documentation.

File Name

Pokemon AlteRed

File Size




Release Date

World: December 01, 2023






Game Boy Advance




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