Pokemon Emerald Enhanced is an enhanced version of the original Pokemon Emerald and allows you to challenge any Gym in any order and has many sidequests to complete. It Features a total of 684 Pokemon from Gen 1 - 7, 7 starter Pokemon, 6 Difficulty Modes (Including Nuzlocke), & a lot more to discover!
As of February 2023, Pokemon Emerald Enhanced is currently complete but receives frequent updates to make it even better.
You can download the Pokemon Emerald Enhanced rom from this page and to play the game you need to download the Visualboy Advance Emulator here.
Download the official Pokemon Emerald Enhanced ROM in the (USA) version for the Game Boy Advance handheld consoles. To fully utilize a GBA ROM game, use our Cheats, Rom Hacks and GBA Roms sections. You can open the Pokemon Emerald Enhanced ROM or GBA file by Installing VisualBoyAdvance on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android or IOS/iphone.
Pokemon Emerald Enhanced is a GBA ROM Hack by Ryuhouji based on Pokemon Emerald. It was last updated on December 27, 2024.
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Moon Emerald.
Pokemon Emerald Enhanced is an enhanced version of the original Pokemon Emerald with a total of 684 Pokemon, 7 starters, 6 Difficulty Modes (Including Nuzlocke), & a lot more to discover!