Pokemon Emerald Imperium is a GBA ROM Hack by iriv24 based on Pokemon Emerald. Pokemon Emerald Imperium is a QoL / difficulty emerald hack with a slightly altered story, New Mega Evolutions, all the Gym Leaders as optional trainers to fight, balance changes to various Pokemon and much more!
You can download the Pokemon Emerald Imperium rom from this page and to play the game you need to download the Visualboy Advance Emulator here.
Download the official Pokemon Emerald Imperium ROM in the (USA) version for the Game Boy Advance handheld consoles. To fully utilize a GBA ROM game, use our Cheats, Rom Hacks and GBA Roms sections. You can open the Pokemon Emerald Imperium ROM or GBA file by Installing VisualBoyAdvance on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android or IOS/iphone.
Pokemon Emerald Imperium is a GBA ROM Hack by iriv24 based on Pokemon Emerald. It was last updated on January 27, 2025.
Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Emerald Extended Cut.
Pokemon Emerald Imperium is a QoL / difficulty emerald hack with a slightly altered story that is fully beatable through the Champion battle (and has a little post-game). I’ve also added some characters from Gen 4, namely Dawn as an additional rival throughout the game, all the Gym Leaders as optional trainers to fight (except Roark, he’s mandatory), and more!
Other notable features and additions include a built-in randomizer, a couple of difficulty options (just Easy and Normal for now, maybe I’ll add a Hard mode in the future or something), several new Mega evolutions, including all the Sinnoh starters, and a whole lot of balance changes to various mons. It’s also got every QoL / feature branch under the sun in there somewhere, so I won’t list them all here.
I’ll probably come back and edit this message at some point to include links to the docs and other things that I’m still polishing up, which will list everything in excruciating detail. I’m sure this game won’t be many folks’ cup of tea around these parts, but I still wanted to post it because I am happy with myself for sticking with this for so long, making the game that I wanted to make, and getting it to a place where I am comfortable sharing it with others.
Also as you will see in the credits, many of your guys’ assets, features, and ideas are in the game somewhere, and I definitely would not have stuck with this project for so long if it weren’t for the homies here, so it is definitely a community hack in that sense.
Almost all Pokemon from Gens 1 – 9 available
Modern battle engine
Mega Evolutions, featuring new custom Megas added for several Pokemon including Gen 4 starters and several Gigantamax forms converted to Megas
Several Gen 4 characters added, including Dawn as an additional rival, all the Gym Leaders, and more!
Increased difficulty of trainer battles, with focus on Gym Leaders/Elite 4, Rivals, Team Aqua/Magma battles, route Mini Bosses, and optional Mini Bosses
Several other optional Boss Trainer battles (with hopefully good enough rewards to incentivize the player to actually want to do the battles)
Configurable Minimal Grinding Mode
Built in Difficulty Modes: just Easy and Normal for now
Built in Randomizer with configurations for species and ability randomization
Built in Level Caps
Balance updates for Pokemon to match RR, which includes type-changes, stat updates, ability updates, learnset updates, etc. The goal for this was to be able to reuse the online RR dex and the RR damage calculator.
Small story tweaks, mostly with the goal of lining up difficult battles
Not needing to teach HMs to use them, and they are forgettable if taught
Reusable TMs
PokeVial with infinite uses to heal your party from anywhere
Access to the PC from anywhere
Stat Editor (for EVs and IVs) given in Mauville
Toggleable following Pokemon, Auto Run. and Infinite Repel
Hold R to speed through NPC dialogue
Option to relearn level-up moves and egg-moves for a Pokemon in the party menu
Move-tutor moves converted to TMs so they can be taught anywhere, no more move tutors in game
Item care packages
Ability Capsules and Ability Patches to easily change between abilities for a Pokemon
2nd Nurse in every Pokemon Center who can:
Change Pokemon’s natures
Swap genders for Pokemon with gender-specific evolutions
Set Pokemon directly to the Level Cap
Bug fixes