Pokemon Emerald Rogue ROM

Pokemon Emerald Rogue rom
When focusing on the main objectives, Pokemon Emerald Rogue is about 6 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 40 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Pokemon Emerald Rogue is a GBA ROM Hack by Pokabbie based on Pokemon Emerald in English.

Ever wondered what Pokemon might look like as a Roguelike?
Pokemon Emerald Rogue is the take on that!

When you go on an adventure all routes, encounters and items will be procedurally chosen based on your progress into a run. After a certain number of routes you will encounter a random gym leader who will have a procedurally chosen team of their assigned type.

As you progress further into a run gym leaders and other trainers will start using more difficult setups for their Pokemon.

To beat the Elite Four in Pokemon Emerald Rogue, you will need to use some advanced strategies. A useful move is using Will-O-Wisp as an emergency safety net against powerful attacks from your opponents. Another strategy is setting up a blockade with Slowbro and protecting yourself with Machamp's Body Slam. Finally, use Gyarados's Earthquake to knock your opponents one by one!

Before you go into battle with a rogue Pokemon, make sure to have a strategy mapped out. This could include knowing the stats of your opponent as well as what moves they are likely to use.

Train your Pokemon well so that they are able to take on any rogue Pokemon without losing health. Use items like Hyper Potions or Energy Items to help your team in battles, and Protein for extra damage.

You can download the Pokemon Emerald Rogue rom from this page and to play the game you need to download the Visualboy Advance Emulator here.

You need to download and install Visual Boy Advance and then load the rom.

For detailed instructions per device, view below.

Download the official Pokemon Emerald Rogue ROM in the (USA) version for the Game Boy Advance handheld consoles. To fully utilize a GBA ROM game, use our Cheats, Rom Hacks and GBA Roms sections. You can open the Pokemon Emerald Rogue ROM or GBA file by Installing VisualBoyAdvance on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android or IOS/iphone.

Additional Information

Pokemon Emerald Rogue is a GBA ROM Hack by Pokabbie based on Pokemon Emerald in English. It was last updated on July 04, 2024.


Ever wondered what Pokemon might look like as a Roguelike?

How does it work?

When you go on an adventure, all routes, encounters, and items are chosen procedurally based on your progress through a run. After a certain number of routes, you will come across a random gym leader with a procedurally selected team of their assigned type; as you progress further into a run, gym leaders and other trainers will begin using more difficult setups for their Pokemon. You will have completed the run if you can make it all the way to the champion and defeat them!

When you finish or fail a run, you will return to a hub area where you can buy permanent items and catch new “starter” Pokemon to use in the next run.
As you progress through the game, more buildings/NPCs in this hub area will become available for use in preparing for the next run.

How long does a run take?

It can vary based on how thorough you are, but in the author’s testing, a complete run usually takes between 3-4 hours of in-game time.
There is a quick save option (REST in the menu) which lets you put the game down mid-run and return however be warned this does not allow save scumming.


  • Randomly chosen routes
  • Procedural items, trainers & wild encounters
  • Hub area with unlockable buildings/NPCs
  • Character customization
  • Multiple game config settings e.g. prevent over leveling, trainer difficulty, double battle mode
  • Seeded mode, with individual config settings (useful for multiplayer races)
  • Galarian Forms
  • Mega Evolution (In Battle)
  • Rare legendary encounters
  • Mart contents change as you progress
  • Safari zone allows you to capture mons you have previously used on runs and use them as the “starter” mon
  • Post-game settings (Can be accessed early if you can find the secret room



  • Fixed some map soft locks
  • Adjusted colours on party menu to improve readability
  • Fixed Trainer Pokémon Habbitats not setting IVs correctly
  • Added info option to Catching Contest to explain the limited spawns
  • Updated Pokéblock description to better indicate that they can be used in routes
  • Updated Honey Tree messages to give clearing indication of what to do
  • Fixed disguise breaking from non direct damage
  • Fixed ??? appearing in catching contests
  • Fixed ??? appearing in safari
  • Speculative fix for Pokémon disappearing from Safari
  • Fixed hard locks with swapping out if a KO happens on the same term
  • Fixed type indicator giving away illusion
  • Fixed some decorations missing a couple of tiles
  • Fixed some typos
  • Fixed bug causing Rival to have legendaries earlier than intended
  • Adjusted spawn rate for Paradox mons in early game
  • Fixed daycare mons sometimes being reset to lvl 1
  • Fixed sometimes caught mons not being added to party instead they just replaced the moves of the original mon
  • Added reminder prompt after long-ish win/loss streaks to visit the Config Lab
  • Fixed EVs being set to crazy high values at the start of the run
  • Fixed some Hisui forms not spawning in the PLA dex
  • Fixed Adventure Replay being stuck on if enabled when visiting another player in Multiplayer
  • Adjusted trading flow in Multiplayer to hopefully fix issues with incorrect mons being traded and provided a clear UX to both players
  • Fixed reward respawning in the GameShow when Quick Saving inside
  • Fixed Lycanroc and Iron Bundle back sprites looking incorrect
  • Fixed bug allowing Tera and Dynamax to be active during the same battle
  • The Vending Machine in the Mart Rest stop will now work… sometimes…


This update aims to pivot the game away from “Emerald but a Roguelike” and more into just “The Pokémon Franchise but a Roguelike”. I (Pokabbie) wanted it to become a celebration of Pokémon as a whole so I’ve featured various characters, locations, and references from across all the games! I look forward to you all finding them

  • Generation 9!
    • All the Pokémon from Scarlet & Violet (including both DLCs) are here and now in Rogue! (There are some moves still missing sadly, however)
    • (Revival Blessing has not been given to any Pokémon; I’m sure you can guess why)
  • New Battle Gimmicks!
    • Both Tera and Dynamax are now available in Rogue (unlocked after beating your 1st Run or via that 100% totally secret method no one knows about mhmm)
    • When both Key Items are used together, 1 gimmick will be randomly chosen and the other will be disabled
    • The Tera orb will recharge itself whenever you enter an encounter, so you essentially have 1 charge per route (Use it wisely)
  • Updated Trainers
    • Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and Champions from all 9 generations are now in!
    • Gym Trainers can now have Shiny Pokémon
    • Rival Trainers will now appear in Adventures too! Be careful… they may catch you out if you’re not looking out for them!
    • Improved Trainer Team generator to aim for more viable teams with more variety
  • Multiplayer
    • You can now connect to another friend’s game and visit their Hub, Trade Pokémon and go on Adventures together
    • This is achieved by connecting a Companion App, named RogueAssistant, to mGBA
    • This feature is still quite early days and currently not all the planned features are in. Most notably multi battles are not currently supported (I do hope to get this in for a 2.1 or 2.2 release)
  • Offline Pokémon Box Extension
    • By making use of the same Companion App mentioned above, you can now access a Pokémon Home style Offline Box Storage granting you (hopefully) all the space you will even need!
  • Reworked Pokemon
  • Updated Difficulty
  • New/Reworked Encounters
  • Updated Hub
  • Quest Rework
  • Visuals
  • Improved QoL
  • Native Battle Speed Up (QoL)
  • Safari Rework
  • Candy Rework
  • Bag Rework
  • Pokeblock
  • Shiny Pokemon
  • Player Customisation
  • Sound
  • Misc

File Name

Pokemon Emerald Rogue

File Size




Release Date

World: July 04, 2024





Game Boy Advance




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