Pokemon Johto Legends ROM

Pokemon Johto Legends rom
When focusing on the main objectives, Pokemon Johto Legends is about 25 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 40 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Pokemon Johto Legends is a GBC ROM Hack by Ferropexola based on Pokemon Crystal. Travel through the Johto region 15 years before Gold and Kris’ Pokémon adventure. You’ll see both new and familiar faces. As starters, choose between Dratini and Larvitar!

Aim to collect all eight badges, face off against the Pokémon League, and record all known Pokémon in your Journal! Be on the lookout for a conspiracy! Strange black people have been poaching and kidnapping Pokémon all over the region! It might be up to you to solve this puzzle! The current version allows you to earn 7 badges.

You can download the Pokemon Johto Legends rom from this page and to play the game you need to download the Visualboy Advance Emulator here.

You need to download and install Visual Boy Advance and then load the rom.

For detailed instructions per device, view below.

Download the official Pokemon Johto Legends ROM in the (USA) version for the Game Boy Advance handheld consoles. To fully utilize a GBC ROM game, use our Cheats, Rom Hacks and GBA Roms sections. You can open the Pokemon Johto Legends ROM or GBC file by Installing VisualBoyAdvance on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android or IOS/iphone.

Additional Information

Pokemon Johto Legends is a GBC ROM Hack by Ferropexola based on Pokemon Crystal. It was last updated on December 05, 2024.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Complete Crystal.


Travel through the Johto region 15 years before Gold and Kris’ Pokémon adventure. You’ll see both new and familiar faces. As starters, choose between Dratini and Larvitar! Aim to collect all eight badges, face off against the Pokémon League, and record all known Pokémon in your Journal! Be on the lookout for a conspiracy! Strange black people have been poaching and kidnapping Pokémon all over the region! It might be up to you to solve this puzzle! The current version allows you to earn 7 badges.


  • 311 Pokémon from Generations 1-4, as well as Sylveon, Cursola, and the Fakémon Skarmini, a pre-evolution to Skarmory.
  • 395 moves from across all Generations, including an original move, Steel Slice.
  • Beat Up, Bide, Conversion2, Frustration, and Nightmare were removed to make room for more moves.
  • Physical/Special Split.
  • Fairy Type has been added.
  • Steel no longer resists Dark and Ghost, and is now up to date.
  • Ice now resists Water and Electric in addition to Ice.
  • Many previously fully evolved, sub-500 BST Pokémon have had their stats increased. Some have new type combinations.
  • Stat Experience has been replaced with EVs, with a max of 510, as it is in the newer games.
  • Stat pages now include the Pokémon’s DVs and EVs, as well as a fourth page for the Pokémon’s caught time, location, level, and friendship.
  • Moves updated to mostly match their current Generation counterparts.
  • Movepools similar to their Generation 7 versions.
  • New items such as Choice Band and Life Orb are available at the Battle Tower in exchange for Battle Points.
  • New evolution methods, such as a Link Cable item for the Trade Evolutions, and other evolution items such as Metal Coat now act like evolution stones.
  • All Poké Balls now have unique sprites.
  • 70 TMs and 17 Move Tutor moves. TMs now have infinite uses.
  • HMs have been replaced by Key Items.
  • Running Shoes are available by default.
  • You no longer need a password to reset the time.
  • Multiple glitches have been fixed, including the Apricorn Balls, which can be purchased in Ecruteak City, and now all statuses affect the catch rate.
  • Fast Ball now has an increased catch rate against faster Pokémon.
  • Wild Pokémon no longer flee.
  • The swarm system has been upgraded, and there is an increased shiny chance for the Pokémon swarming. There are currently 10 swarms.
  • You can find up to 5 berries per tree.
  • There is now a separate pouch for berries in the pack, and they have their modern names.
  • Smashing rocks can now yield items, including fossils to revive.
  • Gym Leaders can be re-battled daily, and some routes have trainers that can be re-battled infinitely by speaking to them anytime.
  • AI status moves no longer fail 25% of the time, and other minor AI fixes.
  • The NPC who gives you the Hidden Power TM will tell you the type of its Hidden Power.
  • Experience and the Exp.Share now act like they do in Generation 6. Exp.Share is optional and can be turned on or off at any time.


There are currently 11 passwords to be used at the start of a new game, 7 starter passwords, and 4 non-starter passwords. The starter passwords can only be used on the first password screen. The other passwords need to be used on the second password screen. They cannot be switched. Below is a list of where you can find the passwords in the game. 6 are available prior to the post-game.

  • Candy Pouch and Max DVs – CHEATER
  • Solo Run – SINGULAR
  • Super Game Boy Colors – MONOCHROME
  • Increased Shininess – MASUDA
  • Bagon and Gible – PSEUDO
  • Elekid and Magby – BAMBINO
  • Magikarp – STUPID
  • Pikachu and Eevee – COMMENCE
  • Mew and Celebi – MYTHICAL
  • Omanyte and Kabuto – EXTINCT
  • Mewtwo and Missingno. – EXPERIMENT



  • Fixed an issue with the perfect DV password
  • Added the music player. You unlock it by speaking with Bill in Goldenrod City.


  • Updated Professor Oak’s sprite
  • Added 7 new swarms.


  • Erika and the triplets should be rebattleable now.

Useful Links




File Name

Pokemon Johto Legends

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Release Date

World: December 05, 2024





Game Boy Color




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