Pokemon Leaf Green Extreme Randomizer ROM

Pokemon Leaf Green Extreme Randomizer rom
When focusing on the main objectives, Pokemon Leaf Green Extreme Randomizer is about 25 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 50 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Pokemon Leaf Green Extreme Randomizer is a GBA ROM Hack by SKR based on Pokemon Leaf Green in English. Pokemon Leaf Green Extreme Randomizer takes the normal randomizer and amps it up to the next level!

If you’re looking for a new wild Pokemon experience this crazy randomizer is for you! With evolutions, typings, level-up moves, abilities, and much more randomized anything can happen! Imagine leveling up your Charmander and it evolves into a Zapdos. The possibilities are endless and unique!

You can download the Pokemon Leaf Green Extreme Randomizer rom from this page and to play the game you need to download the Visualboy Advance Emulator here.

You need to download and install Visual Boy Advance and then load the rom.

For detailed instructions per device, view below.

Download the official Pokemon Leaf Green Extreme Randomizer ROM in the (USA) version for the Game Boy Advance handheld consoles. To fully utilize a GBA ROM game, use our Cheats, Rom Hacks and GBA Roms sections. You can open the Pokemon Leaf Green Extreme Randomizer ROM or GBA file by Installing VisualBoyAdvance on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android or IOS/iphone.

Additional Information


Pokemon Leaf Green Extreme Randomizer is a GBA ROM Hack by SKR based on Pokemon Leaf Green in English.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Glazed Randomizer.


I’m sure some of you are wondering, “What the heck is Pokemon Leaf Green Extreme Randomizer?” Well, It’s exactly what its name suggests. It is the same good old Pokémon Leaf Green we all know and love but, here’s the twist, all of the Pokemon spawns, pokemon typing, moves, and move typing are completely randomized!

Pokemon Leaf Green Extreme Randomizer takes the normal randomizer and amps it up to the next level! If you’re looking for a new wild Pokemon experience this crazy randomizer is for you! With evolutions, typings, level-up moves, abilities, and much more randomized anything can happen! Imagine leveling up your Charmander and it evolves into a Zapdos. The possibilities are endless and unique!


  • Wild Pokemon
  • Trainer’s parties
  • Pokemon Types/Moves/Abilities
  • Evolutions

File Name

Pokemon Leaf Green Extreme Randomizer

File Size




Release Date

World: 2021






Game Boy Advance




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