Pokemon PearGreen ROM

When focusing on the main objectives, Pokemon PearGreen is about 25 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 40 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Pokemon PearGreen is a GBA ROM Hack by KantoClark based on Pokemon Leaf Green. Looking for a new fun ROM hack/fan game to play that takes a modern twist on the Gen 3 games, while largely preserving the classic feel and mechanics we once got to enjoy?

Well, this might be the game for you! This game takes place in the next century after a great disaster has drastically altered the Kanto region, separating the 'Sevii Region' from 'Greater Kanto,' and leaving much of the region lost.

You can download the Pokemon PearGreen rom from this page and to play the game you need to download the Visualboy Advance Emulator here.

You need to download and install Visual Boy Advance and then load the rom.

For detailed instructions per device, view below.

Download the official Pokemon PearGreen ROM in the (USA) version for the Game Boy Advance handheld consoles. To fully utilize a GBA ROM game, use our Cheats, Rom Hacks and GBA Roms sections. You can open the Pokemon PearGreen ROM or GBA file by Installing VisualBoyAdvance on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android or IOS/iphone.

Additional Information

Pokemon PearGreen is a GBA ROM Hack by KantoClark based on Pokemon Leaf Green. It was last updated on January 27, 2025.

Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Mach Bike Racing.


Looking for a new fun ROM hack/fan game to play that takes a modern twist on the Gen 3 games, while largely preserving the classic feel and mechanics we once got to enjoy? Well, this might be the game for you! This game takes place in the next century after a great disaster has drastically altered the Kanto region, separating the ‘Sevii Region’ from ‘Greater Kanto,’ and leaving much of the region lost.

After this disaster, new ‘paradox’ forms of old Pokemon appeared and outcompeted their old forms to dominate the region, although these forms remain rare to see throughout Sevii. Lower unevolved forms remain largely unaffected, however they do not evolve anymore in order to avoid becoming prey to the overtaken forms. The power levels of all Pokemon have adjusted though along with this evolutionary race of sorts…

You will go through a changed Sevii Region, encountering many familiar but altered landscapes, with additional areas and plenty of post-game content, and a few special additions of my own that make the game unique. Collect these new forms throughout the journey to build a unique team with and be ready for the expansive post-game!!


  • Largely preserved all the original mechanics and parameters of the game, meaning no fairy, Pokemon types are split by physical special (normal, ground, steel vs. fire, grass, electric). Etc.
  • Around 150 replaced Pokemon forms with their own unique types, stats, and movepools
  • Buffed stats that largely even out among all the Pokemon’s interactions (Paradox forms on average have Base Stat Totals between 580 and 620, and don’t have a booster energy lol)
  • All the same items of FireRed with some TM/tutor move changes, trade changes
  • 3 completely new Pokemon (one being Gorochu); 3 special ‘mythicals’
  • 6 new moves and 2 secret new moves
  • Map reworked while keeping the old map
  • Shiny odds increased x9 from original odds, to about .1%. Fully updated shinies for new forms and some for remaining old forms.
  • Expansive post-game region, with many changes of the game increasing after like Gym 4.
  • Only borrowed features are the Gorochu front (official?) and back sprites (VivinkArt?) used.
  • Only thing I expanded codewise is I added one move to the game before deciding it was better to replace moves. That is why when you use Night Slash it just says ‘used a dark move.’ I broke up some palettes for sprites, but the auto-pointer should has that handled. I noticed some hidden items not working towards the end of making the game, so I had to abide by the natural limit there and just do away with the ones that weren’t working.



  • Minor sprite graphic fixes on Eevee and one other ‘mon
  • Slight moveset change to other ‘mon, fix for a few walls/cross that should be otherwise
  • Fix change to abilities that may have caused abilities to not work properly at times, this means Cacophony is an ability again instead of a second chlorophyll
  • Changed Espeon/Umbreon evos to Sun/Moon Stones, added one sun stone location.


  • Fixed protect being both a tutor move and TM (return and frustration are both now tutors),
  • Fixed Oddish who uses Drain Punch in 4th gym,
  • Fixed some spaces that act like cross spaces instead of walls and vice versa (one small spot in the charred path was priorly inaccessible)
  • Fixed dialogue of a person in Safari who references Saffron
  • Fixed trainer in Safari who walks into the wall
  • Changed TM Cross-Chop in Safari to Iron Tail to reduce double-item proximity
  • Fixed flags for the city event where some lines of dialogue didn’t activate at the proper times.


  • Fixed possible game-lock at the fourth gym

Useful Links




File Name

Pokemon PearGreen

File Size




Release Date

World: January 27, 2025





Game Boy Advance




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