Pokemon RE:Call ROM

Pokemon RE:Call rom
When focusing on the main objectives, Pokemon RE:Call is about 35 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 60 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Pokemon RE:Call is a GBA Rom Hack by Sylingga based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. Explore three regions: Sevii, Kanto, and Hoenn, with Pokemon from Generations 1 to 9, including Paradox forms. Pokemon RE:Call features Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, DexNav, Following Pokemon System and much more.

You can download the Pokemon RE:Call rom from this page and to play the game you need to download the Visualboy Advance Emulator here.

You need to download and install Visual Boy Advance and then load the rom.

For detailed instructions per device, view below.

Download the official Pokemon RE:Call ROM in the (USA) version for the Game Boy Advance handheld consoles. To fully utilize a GBA ROM game, use our Cheats, Rom Hacks and GBA Roms sections. You can open the Pokemon RE:Call ROM or GBA file by Installing VisualBoyAdvance on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android or IOS/iphone.

Additional Information


Pokemon RE:Call is a GBA Rom Hack by Sylingga based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. It was last updated on February 08, 2025.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Astral Red.


The goal with this hack is to utilize CFRU engine with help of HUBOL that makes newbie in romhacking can create rom near Radical Red or Unbound. This isn’t meant to be some kind of kaizo level nuzlocke hack but rather something that’s tough but fun and should be perfectly doable without having to resort to a full on google doc or something. Difficulty-wise I’d like to compare this to something like Radical Red or Emerald Kaizo.


After embarking on your journey as a Pokémon Trainer, you return to Knot Island to reunite with your old friend, Bill. As a loyal friend, you decide to assist Bill with his mission, only to find yourselves entangled in a web of trouble caused by the nefarious TEAM ROCKET.

Led by their cunning boss, Giovanni, Team Rocket harbors secret plans involving Pokémon—especially the mysterious PARADOX POKEMON, creatures with the extraordinary ability to harness the energy of both the past and the future. As you delve deeper into the mystery, you must thwart Giovanni’s schemes and uncover the truth behind these enigmatic Pokémon.


  • Engine Base: The game is built on HUBOL (CFRU+DPE) and primarily features Pokémon from Gen 1-8, with a few Gen 9 Pokémon possibly included. The regional dex aims for 151 Pokémon, while the National dex includes nearly 1,000 with various forms. Not all Pokémon are obtainable in the current demo.
  • Regions: Explore 3 regions—Sevii, Kanto, and Hoenn.
  • Following Pikachu: Pikachu follows you throughout the game.
  • Cross-ROM Battles: Battle friends using ROMs like Radical Red, Unbound, SWSH Ultimate, or any other CFRU-based ROM.
  • Rival Gender: Rival’s gender varies based on the player’s gender.
  • Move Effectiveness Colors: Move effectiveness is color-coded.
  • New Features: Includes Dive, Rock Climb, Defog, Day/Night/Seasons, DexNav, and secondary PokéTools in the Start Menu.
  • Swarms & Daily Events: Experience swarms of Pokémon and daily events, including berry farming.
  • BW Visuals: Features BW New Game screen, Pokémon Summary screen, and EV/IV screen.
  • Animated Title Screen: The title screen features an animated Suicune.

CFRU Features

  • Gen 8 Battle Engine: Upgraded to include all moves, abilities, items, and item effects from Gen 8, along with a complete set of move animations.
  • AI Enhancements: Significantly improved AI system that adapts to new battle effects.
  • Z MovesMega EvolutionPrimal Reversion, and Ultra Burst.
  • Additional Features:
    • Ability pop-ups and Hidden Abilities.
    • Expanded selection of Poké Balls.
    • Trainers equipped with EVs, class-based music, and class-based Poké Balls.
    • Dynamic Trainer backsprite and pre-battle mugshots.
    • Wild double battles and new evolution methods.
    • Expanded learnsets and badge-based obedience.
    • Shiny Charm and Oval Charm for enhanced gameplay.
    • Level scaling, Inverse Battles, and Sky Battles.
    • Overworld trainer facing and move type indicators in the move menu.
    • Expanded PC boxes (up to 25) and move reminder (up to 50 moves).
    • Reusable TMs and an improved TM/HM expansion.
    • Updated pickup mechanics and roaming Pokémon.
    • JPAN’s engine features redesigned and improved.
    • Character customization, new scripting specials, and whiteout hack/text updates.
    • Save-block expansion and dynamic overworld palettes.
    • Expanded text names for abilities, items, etc.
    • Select Pokémon directly from the PC and a scrolling summary screen.
    • Base stats displayed on the Pokédex summary screen.
    • Updated repel system and expanded Pokémon in the Hall of Fame.
    • Expanded text buffers, footstep noises on different terrains, and omnidirectional jumping.
    • Ability to move items on the party screen.
    • Expanded coins, Safari Balls/steps, Fairy type, and Oval Charm.
  • And much more!

To-Do List

  • Multi Battles (with a partner)
  • Disappearing HP-bars during Attack Animations
  • Trainer Sliding / In-battle messages
  • Battle Terrain
  • Totem Pokémon
  • Updated Exp. Share
  • Updated Daycare system
  • Triple Layer Blocks
  • Item Image on obtain
  • Battle Frontier/Facilities


  • Story
  • Sevii: 80% (The main story has 12+ hours of gameplay)
  • Kanto: 80% (Post-game, keeping FRLG story)
  • Hoenn: 20% (Post-game, progress still maps, for now, no event yet)
  • Sprite: 80% (trying adding costume feature)
  • Maps: 80% (progress same as story, Sevii, Kanto, Hoenn)
  • Scripts: 80% (similar with FR)



  • Fixed the blackscreen at Floe Island.


  • Skip the intro to Oak’s speech
  • Custom Newgame intro


  • Fixing a crash when talking/battling with Misty

Useful Links




File Name

Pokemon RE:Call

File Size




Release Date

World: February 08, 2025





Game Boy Advance




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