Pokemon Super Cool Spot Version ROM

Pokemon Super Cool Spot Version rom
When focusing on the main objectives, Pokemon Super Cool Spot Version is about 35 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 60 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Pokemon Super Cool Spot Version is a GBA Rom Hack by JoeyZeed based on Pokemon Emerald in English. Pokemon SUPER Cool Spot Version is a complete overhaul of the original ROMhack.

Expanded areas of Hoenn, brand-new Pokémon and legendaries, a new story and boss battles, plus a new postgame, Pokémon SUPER cool spot version is truly the COOLEST romhack, now even moreso!

You can download the Pokemon Super Cool Spot Version rom from this page and to play the game you need to download the Visualboy Advance Emulator here.

You need to download and install Visual Boy Advance and then load the rom.

For detailed instructions per device, view below.

Download the official Pokemon Super Cool Spot Version ROM in the (USA) version for the Game Boy Advance handheld consoles. To fully utilize a GBA ROM game, use our Cheats, Rom Hacks and GBA Roms sections. You can open the Pokemon Super Cool Spot Version ROM or GBA file by Installing VisualBoyAdvance on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android or IOS/iphone.

Additional Information


Pokemon Super Cool Spot Version is a GBA Rom Hack by JoeyZeed based on Pokemon Emerald in English. It was last updated on September 27, 2024, 2024.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Mystic Horizon.


Pokemon Cool Spot version‘s final update has cranked the coolness up to 7! Pokemon: SUPER Cool Spot Version is a complete overhaul of the original ROMhack. Expanded areas of Hoenn, brand-new Pokémon, and legendaries, a new story and boss battles, plus a new postgame, Pokemon SUPER cool spot version is truly the COOLEST romhack, now even more! Get yourself a tall bottle or can of 7-Up and experience a brand-new, SUPER cool adventure across a remixed Hoenn with the COOLEST 90s soda mascot of all time!

SUPER Cool Spot version features over 60 brand-new Pokémon and regional, 7-Up-themed variants, including the one and only Cool Spot! There are 386 unique Pokémon to catch across the Hoenn region with a whole new distribution unique from the original game, and all 386 are obtainable in a single playthrough! New unique attacks are also introduced, such as Mandibite, a new, powerful Bug-type attack, and the devastating 7-Up Beam!


  • New Story
  • New areas like the Carbonated Woods, Uncola Mountain, the expanded Fiery Path New Mauville, the mysterious Cave of Coolness, and many more!
  • Over 60 brand-new Pokémon
  • A new story set after Pokemon Emerald
  • New postgame content
  • Player characters now wear COOL Sunglasses!! So does Nurse Joy!
  • Reusable TMs and deleteable HMs
  • New Gym Leaders and Bosses!
  • A whole set of new, cool 7-Up and Cool Spot-themed items!
  • Purchaseable Important items such as Exp. Share, Lucky Egg, Heart Scales, and cheaper Vitamins
  • Pokemon have an EV limit of 252, and no longer have a limit on the amount of vitamins they can take!
  • Evolution Stones available for purchase at the Lilycove Dept. Store
  • Over 40 new custom music tracks across the game for your listening pleasure!
  • Increased Difficulty
  • All 386 Pokémon obtainable in a single playthrough
  • A Black Market area for Exp./Money Grinding, EV Training, and Buyable Rare Candies for those who want an extra boost!
  • HMs are usable without need for badges (must be activated through the Pokémon menu instead of the overworld)
  • Cut and Flash are completely unnecessary. No cave requires Flash and Trees necessary for accessing areas and items have been replaced by Sudowoodo fights
  • All Legendaries have been replaced by cool, new Legendaries! Have fun exploring!
  • Start with the national Pokédex!
  • Cool Spot and 7-Up themed PC Boxes and Text box themes!
  • HUD and UI items now feature Cool Spot! Exp is now Cool Points and HP is now the 7-Up meter!
  • Cool Spot-themed Secret Base items!
  • Unlimited Safari Zone steps!
  • Poison no longer damages you outside of battle!
  • No more red health beeping
  • New Pokemon now have shiny palettes!



  • The Battle Frontier is complete! 7 Brand-New frontier brains with unique teams for the silver and gold frontier emblem fights!
  • Cool Spot and the other 80+ new Pokemon are properly implemented and will appear as NPC fights in the frontier, as well as rental Pokemon in the Battle Factory!
  • New areas added: The Cave of Hunger, Castle Drinkula, and much more!
  • The trick house is now one long stretch that can be accessed as soon as you reach Mauville, with a special fight against the Trick Master himself waiting for you at the end!
  • Venture inside a lone cardboard box in the Trick House entrance to enter a completely new world!
  • New lore and events waiting for you, and more secrets across the Hoenn region and elsewhere!
  • New trainers are in the Blissey safari who will provide 16 EVs in each stat when battled! EV training made more specific and easier!
  • Adds 25 Brand-New Pokemon and regional variants to the game! Now there are over 80 new species in the game!
  • New Superboss fights and rematches are waiting! Rematch the bosses of Team Coke, Team Pepsi, and both your rivals in the postgame!
  • The 7th gym is no longer Liza and Tate, but a new pair of mascot gym leaders, masters of the Grass-type!, plus a 9th, secret gym waiting somewhere in the world…
  • New Legendary Pokemon are waiting to be caught! Special events and new sprites for the Regis, along with a revamped moveset and unique battle theme for the trio!
  • Over 15 new tracks of music for your listening pleasure!


  • Added yes/no options for the Red and other superboss fights (except one)
  • Fixed itemfinder issue in the fiery path
  • Fixed formatting errors in several Pokedex entries


  • Fixed bug that wouldn’t allow you to walk up the stairs of Uncola Mountain in the postgame
  • Fixed issue with champion’s movepool
  • Added yes/no option for most super bosses, also fixed issue where superboss would not appear in the cave of origin in the postgame (this is now fixed and working!)
  • Fixed issue with Beldum not appearing in new Mauville.

File Name

Pokemon Super Cool Spot Version

File Size




Release Date

World: September 27, 2024





Game Boy Advance




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