Pokemon The Wooper Who Saved Christmas ROM

Pokemon The Wooper Who Saved Christmas rom
When focusing on the main objectives, Pokemon The Wooper Who Saved Christmas is about 2 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 4 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Pokemon The Wooper Who Saved Christmas is a GBA ROM Hack by Joexv based on Pokemon Fire Red. One fateful Christmas night, a Wooper was getting ready for Santa’s arrival.

As Santa was leaving his trustworthy Delibrid was kidnapped by a man dressed all in black! Now its up to you to save him! Play as the legendary Wooper who saved Christmas during the times of the Pokemon War!

You can download the Pokemon The Wooper Who Saved Christmas rom from this page and to play the game you need to download the Visualboy Advance Emulator here.

You need to download and install Visual Boy Advance and then load the rom.

For detailed instructions per device, view below.

Download the official Pokemon The Wooper Who Saved Christmas ROM in the (USA) version for the Game Boy Advance handheld consoles. To fully utilize a GBA ROM game, use our Cheats, Rom Hacks and GBA Roms sections. You can open the Pokemon The Wooper Who Saved Christmas ROM or GBA file by Installing VisualBoyAdvance on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android or IOS/iphone.

Additional Information

Pokemon The Wooper Who Saved Christmas is a GBA ROM Hack by Joexv based on Pokemon Fire Red.

Also, be sure to check out Pokemon Rijon Adventures.


One fateful Christmas night, a Wooper was getting ready for Santa’s arrival. As Santa was leaving his trustworthy Delibrid was kidnapped by a man dressed all in black! Now its up to you to save him! Play as the legendary Wooper who saved Christmas during the times of the Pokemon War!

Setting: Kanto Years before Ash set out on his journey.


  • This is a nuzlocke hack! This hack is super difficult about halfway through and features many nuzlocke rules that originally ran off an honor system.
  • Portable healing stations. Yes, thats right. But these are spendy and only work once!
  • Very few trainers. So that means a short money supply and no annoying trainer battles.
  • Increased wild Pokemon encounters.
  • A high-level Pokemon on each map. So be careful, not everyone is quite as nice as you.
  • A rare weak-level Pokemon on each map.
  • A naughty/nice system that is based on choices. (they are listed before you make the choice)
  • 2 endings. Now you may have seen this with my previous mini hack, but this time these endings are 1000000% better, and no need to run off and find 5 hidden items.
  • Your Pokemon are deleted after they faint! Yay! Death!
  • Lots of hidden items and money to make up for the lack of trainers

File Name

Pokemon The Wooper Who Saved Christmas

File Size




Release Date

World: 2014






Game Boy Advance




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