Touhoumon Another World Revised ROM

Touhoumon Another World Revised rom
When focusing on the main objectives, Touhoumon Another World Revised is about 25 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 45 Hours to obtain 100% completion.
Touhoumon Another World Revised is a Pokemon GBA Rom Hack by AichiyaSANAE & Nyomu based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. Another World: Revised is the culmination of efforts over the past few years to not only patch up the plethora of issues that the original hacks had, but to reinvent the gameplay experience with a slew of modern mechanics and various QoL features across the board

You can download the Touhoumon Another World Revised rom from this page and to play the game you need to download the Visualboy Advance Emulator here.

You need to download and install Visual Boy Advance and then load the rom.

For detailed instructions per device, view below.

Download the official Touhoumon Another World Revised ROM in the (USA) version for the Game Boy Advance handheld consoles. To fully utilize a GBA ROM game, use our Cheats, Rom Hacks and GBA Roms sections. You can open the Touhoumon Another World Revised ROM or GBA file by Installing VisualBoyAdvance on Windows, MAC, Linux, Android or IOS/iphone.

Additional Information

Touhoumon Another World Revised is a GBA Rom Hack by AichiyaSANAE & Nyomu based on Pokemon Fire Red in English. It was last updated on December 14, 2024.

Also, be sure to check out Touhoumon World Link Revised.

What is Touhoumon?

Have you heard of the bullet hell video game franchise Touhou Project? The one that has been on since the 1990s? The one with the wonderful music?

It has a lot of characters, with several factions of people, spirits, ghosts, youkai, and gods… “How about we substitute the Pokemon in games with the Touhou characters?” someone pondered one day. and then BAM! Touhoumon was created.

Noteworthy derivatives include Touhoumon Purple, Touhoumon Another World, Touhoumon Zoku Gensokyo Scenario, and Touhou Puppet Play Enhanced, among others.

Various versions of such hacks have been released over the years by different people, each hack falling into one of 3 distinct “generations”: 1.0, 1.5, or 1.8, the lattermost of which is the latest.

Aichiya Sanae’s original Touhoumon Another World and World Link hacks fall into the 1.5 category and are notable for their ambitious plot expansions and various other features, as well as a devoted fan base. Unfortunately, as with most 1.5 hacks, these hacks were notorious for containing a number of flaws. Most people avoided them outside of masochistic challenge runs or the like due to quirks like absurd level spikes, overinflated base stats, questionable map designs, and 4 Full Restores on nearly every trainer. Oh, and the puppets in these hacks are called “Boneka,” which is Indonesian for “doll.”

Now about Touhoumon Another World: Revised

Another World: Revised (henceforth referred to as AWR respectively) is the culmination of efforts over the past few years to not only patch up the plethora of issues that the original hacks had but to reinvent the gameplay experience with a slew of modern mechanics and various QoL features across the board, with the intent of creating 1.5 Touhoumon hacks that can actually be considered decent enough to stand out from the crowd. What began as a few personal edits eventually grew into what the hacks are today.


  • A new, updated cast of characters, up to Touhou 14’s roster
  • All 411 Boneka obtainable in each hack without the need to trade
  • B2W2 Repel system
  • Boneka now have more polished-looking sprites, either from 1.8 or custom-made
  • Colored natures
  • Custom cries for all Boneka, taken from 1.8 Touhoumon hacks
  • Custom-type effectiveness chart
  • Day / Night system
  • New soundtracks pulled from various other Touhoumon hacks
  • NPCs that can change abilities, IVs, natures, and even teach egg moves!
  • Physical / Special split with new moves to take advantage of it
  • Reusable TMs / Deletable HMs
  • The Faith type, also taken from 1.8 Touhoumon hacks because dragon in touhoumon is awkward
  • Typo fixes galore
  • [WLR] Contests and the Battle Frontier are edited to take into account all the new changes!
  • And much, much more!

Known Bugs

A list of bugs can be found using the “Known Bugs” button in the “Useful Stuff” section below the screenshots, as well as over on the game’s Discord server.

Any bugs or glitches that aren’t already covered in the Known Bugs doc, feedback on the hacks, or general playthrough discussion can be done on their Discord.



  • Burn damage has finally been updated to match that of the modern Pokemon games (1/16), matching the damage Frostbite already had.
  • Last Word forms now have 10 moves in their levelup movepool instead of just 4-5 moves.
  • Levelup movesets for all Boneka are finally consistent between both hacks, which fixes quirks such as Kogasa only learning Will-o-Wisp in one hack but not the other.
  • The Kagerou line, ERumia, TSakuya, and Rika have updated sprites, the Ungaikyos and Kosuzu have updated menu icons, and an error with AYukari’s backsprite has been fixed.
  • The Link System item now displays all options at once instead of having to mash through each option one at a time.
  • The max cap for money is now ¥9,999,999, like in the modern Pokemon games.
  • The Power items have been introduced, replacing previously unused (and useless) Mails. The items function just like they do in the main series games, granting 4EVs per exp gained to the respective stat while also halving Speed in-battle, and will be available at each hack’s department store for ¥8,000 apiece.
  • Three new moves have been introduced: Mortal Spin (replacing Pay Day), Multi-Pulse (replacing Hidden Power), and Eerie Wave (replacing Dizzy Punch). TL;DR: A weaker, Poison-type Rapid Spin that always inflicts poison, a typeless move that changes based on the type-boosting item held (Charcoal, Magnet, etc.), and a special Ghost attack that also boosts user’s Speed by one stage.
  • Movesets have been updated to account for these changes.
  • Updated trainer sprites for Sabrina and the Light Fairies (AW) and Scott (WL), and the Cursed Tag also has an updated icon.
  • Celio’s overworld sprite in AW has been replaced with that of Bill, meaning that the person you turn back from a Boneka on Route 25 is now actually Bill. To account for this change, Celio’s NPC is now removed from Pallet Town’s Boneka Net Center, as is any dialogue in the game that refers to him.
  • Character mugshots are now a thing in AW! All major characters, both in Kanto and Gensokyo, will have them during their dialogue.
  • Lt. Surge in AW will now actually appear onboard the S.S. Anne, making what the gym guide says make more sense.
  • The item list that Selphy can award the player in AW has been slightly changed. Now, she has a chance of giving a Sacred Ash or PP Max instead of a Pearl or Stardust. Her other items in the list remain the same, and are below for reference:
  • – Luxury Ball: 70%
  • – Sacred Ash: 5%
  • – PP Max: 5%
  • – Rare Candy: 5%
  • – Big Pearl: 5%
  • – Star Piece: 5%
  • – Nugget: 5%
  • The move tutors for Metronome and Dream Eater in AW have swapped locations, so now Metronome’s tutor is at Viridian while Dream Eater’s tutor is at Cinnabar.
  • The small cave in AW that you pass through to travel between Gensokyo and Kanto now consists of just the small room, saving a bit of time.
  • The TM Case icon in the TMs menu in AW has been replaced with a visual display of your party members, and it also indicates which TMs / HMs are learnable by whom.
  • Sootopolis’ map in WL has been edited to feature a garden behind the gym, acting as a loose reference to the layout shown in the anime as well as in ORAS.
  • The exit arrows and overworld emote icons in WL no longer have that weird yellowish color and are now back to their intended palettes.
  • The level of the Watatsuki Sister roamer in WL is now Lv.50, the same level as that of the sister encountered on Southern Island.
  • The scripted Match Call from Roxanne once you reach Slateport in WL will now instead be from Mr. Stone instead, notifying you about the Exp. Share reward once you’ve delivered the Letter to Steven.
  • The sprites of LKanako during the weather trio cutscene in WL have been edited to be more faithful to her appearence in these hacks.
  • The TM for Mana Burst on Route 115 and a Leaf Stone on Route 119 in WL have swapped places, to more closely match the level range you can obtain that TM in AW.
  • Other general stability improvements to enhance the user experience.


  • Fixed a major glitch involving Boneka front sprites in WL.


  • Fixes an oversight in AW’s Netherworld where progress onward would be stopped after the ghost ambush / Marisa cutscene.
  • The NPC that gives the Soar TM in Lilycove in WL is now a chef, to stand out a bit more.

Useful Links




File Name

Touhoumon Another World Revised

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Release Date

World: December 14, 2024





Game Boy Advance




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